We are saved by grace through faith alone but the faith that saves is not alone
A person who has a real encounter with Jesus Christ is forever changed. We see this fact throughout the New Testament as countless individuals turned...
Jesus Christ changes peoples’ lives
The evidence of someone being a Christian is they are living a changed life. Those who truly meet the Lord Jesus Christ have a life...
Refusing to hear sound doctrine
We live in dark days where a growing number of people are refusing to hear sound doctrine. Truth has become the new hate speech and...
Sowing seed among the thorns
The Word of God is to be preached throughout the world. It is to be sown as a seed that will spring up and bear...
God is patient towards sinful people but will judge them
God is patient towards sinful people but His patients has a limit and He will eventually judge them if they refuse to repent. We see...
Two Shall Be One Flesh in Marriage
A man and a woman joined together in marriage are together a new creation. God intended marriage of a man and a woman to be...