Jesus Christ changes peoples’ lives

The evidence of someone being a Christian is they are living a changed life. Those who truly meet the Lord Jesus Christ have a life that is different from what it once was. Jesus Christ changes peoples’ lives and those changes are evident in how they live.

2nd Corinthians 5: 17, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

A Christian will make mistakes in life, but as a child of the living God, they will face discipline form their Heavenly Father when they do. The closer you draw to the Lord, the more of a sinner you will feel yourself to be.

The Bible is God’s Word and is used as our guidebook for all that we do in life. It is the guide we use to know truth from lies and the Lord will reveal Himself in His Word.

Everyone in the Bible who came into contact with Jesus Christ was changed. The sinner turned to Him in repentance and received forgiveness. The sick turned to Him in humble prayer for themselves or for others and received healing. The self-righteous who refused to repent from their sins turned to Him in hatred because He exposed their sinful nature.

There are many groups and organizations today that call themselves Christian that teach things completely opposite of what the Bible says. The parable of the wheat and tares is the perfect example of what they are.

Instead of standing against sin and ungodliness, these groups embrace it to draw in people who want to feel good about themselves in their sins instead of repenting from them. Jesus Christ is the only one who can remove the guilt of sin.

Christians are told to live peacefully with all men as much as possible, but where God’s Word and the world cannot agree, then God’s Word is to be our guide, regardless of what the world thinks.

We have more church buildings today than in any point in our nation’s history. But look at the condition of our nation for proof that not all of these groups are of God, but of satan.

The one Bible verse the sinful world knows is “judge not.” The problem with how the world interprets this verse is they try to use it to justify themselves, but instead, they prove themselves to be self-righteous as they treat the Bible like a buffet, taking what they like and leaving the rest.

Ephesians 5: 11 -12, And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we must throw off the cowardness that plagues too many of us today, and warn those around us of the judgement of God to come. Accept that the world will hate you, just as our Lord has told us it would. Dear reader, I’m writing this to myself as well as to you.

Dear lost soul, look not at the harshness of this article, but look to the mercy that is offered to you by the Lord Jesus Christ. Judgement day will be many times more harsh.

God will not tolerate sin in His presence and you will either carry it yourself before Him and be judged or you can turn to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith, and through the mercy of the Lord receive forgiveness.

Dear lost soul reading this, you cannot do anything about yesterday and tomorrow may not come. Today is what God has given you and today is when you should turn to Him. Turn to Him as you are and let Him clean you up because Jesus Christ changes peoples’ lives.