God’s Word is the standard for morality

In today’s world, we often hear people say, “do whatever feels right.” However, that is not what we are taught in the Bible. God’s Word is the standard we are to live by, not how we feel about something. Our feelings can lead us down the wrong path.

Proverbs 14, 12: There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

To claim that morality is about how someone feels is to claim that there is no absolute truth. God’s Word is truth and is the guiding light we should follow in a dark world. Whenever anyone or any nation turns from God, they follow a path into destruction.

Whenever Israel turned from God they faced hardship just as we do when we turn from Him. The Lord has given us many things in His Word that are intended to protect us from harm. However, if we refuse to listen to Him, we will face the consequences.

If you tell your child not to touch the stove, the child may think you just don’t want them to have fun, but you simply want to protect them from harm. The child doesn’t understand why you wouldn’t want them to do something but a responsible parent knows what’s best.

When dealing with moral issues, God, being the responsible parent as our Heavenly Father, knows what’s best and wants to protect us. In the Bible, God tells us what can happen if we do certain things. We are also given examples of others and the consequences they faced.

Today’s society doesn’t like hearing that there are standards of morality because they would rather live in sin and in rebellion against God. The favorite Bible verse of the lover of sin is “judge not.” They use it as a way to silence criticism of sinful living.

The Christian has the responsibility to be an example to the world around them, pointing the lost to Jesus Christ and to also warn others about God’s Judgement on those who refuse to listen to His standards of morality.